Thursday, April 28, 2011


So what to do on the weekends?

We are in Waco, Texas, so what is there to do on the weekends you ask? This question has been stumping Baylor student for years. Thankfully, these same students decided that they must come up with something. So, after aimlessly driving around the streets of Waco, it was discovered. 
Starplex Galaxy 16 on South Valley Mills is the “happening” movie theater in Waco. There is nothing like grabbing all your friends and hopping into the car for a movie night, whether it is taking that boy you like to a scary movie or your new best friends to a chick flick. But what do you do after the movie?
Tortilla Tossing is a great Baylor tradition. Although it has nothing to do with the University itself, it is something Baylor students have been doing for years. The suspension bridge by the Hilton is not only known for formal pictures, but also for this fun activity. Grab your friends, a car, and a TON of tortillas! Once on the bridge, you and your friends can toss your tortillas, like a frisbee, onto the cement pillars in the water. These are flat, so if your tortilla lands on them, it has been said that those who make it will get married and live happily ever after and those who don’t, well, not so much. After all, your tortillas are either in the water being fed to the ducks or on the pillar. You must tie your bag to the bridge and then take lots fun pictures with your friends. 

The last piece of advice on your weekend fun in Waco concerns where to eat. Many students enjoy Katie’s Custard on Valley Mills, known for their ice cream and shakes. Another tasty place is the Czech Stop a little outside of Waco--about 25 minutes--where you can find some of the best authentic “kolaches.” The last and most recent hot spot is 3 Spoons Yogurt. With a cute slogan like “Come Spoon with Us!” why wouldn’t you go there? It’s cute and cozy and is thought to be among the best yogurt shops by Baylor students.


The Fashion

The fashion here at Baylor is what really makes this school unlike all other universities.. It’s safe to say that the overall the look that Baylor students have is very “casual,” especially for the girls. 

The typical Baylor girl is known for her distinct style. The unwritten rule is that upon admission to the freshman class every girl must buy at least one pair of Nike shorts. They come in all different colors, even custom Baylor versions from the bookstore. Girls wear Nike shorts wherever and whenever. 
The reasons for their popularity? There are a few. First, they’re very comfortable. When one has to walk around a campus the size of Baylor and with the heat of Texas, you definitely don’t want your clothes to weigh you down. Second, Nike shorts tend to make almost everyone’s legs look good. With female students usually gaining the “freshman fifteen,” it is the easiest way to help others not notice. Lastly, Nike shorts come in all different color combinations, making them fun and desirable.

But what do I then wear with my Nike shorts you ask? Once you are in a sorority, you will be receiving endless amounts of t-shirts. When you’re not wearing your sorority shirts, then most people wear either Baylor shirts or any other fun type of t-shirt.
Then comes the shoes! Although Nike’s most recent release, the “frees,” are very popular at the moment, freshman year is all about the “Toms.” Hearts and Crafts is a store located right across from campus next to Common Grounds. After every girl buys a hand-painted template with their name and “Sic ’em, Bears” on it, she then goes for a pair of Toms. But why at Hearts and Crafts? Because they custom paint Toms and nothing says first year at Baylor like some green and gold Toms. Plus, with every pair of toms you buy, a pair of shoes goes to a kid in need somewhere in the world.

After the outfit is complete, it’s time to finish it with a Coach brand sling. These are more practical than purses because they hold just the items you desperately need: wallet, Baylor ID, keys, phone and lip-gloss. The sling can look casual for daytime activities or nice enough for places such as church or dinner. It’s hands free, making the life of a college girl only that much easier, and looks super cute!
Now you are officially ready for Baylor. You will not only look the part, but also rock it. But don’t worry, even though it may seem like you will just blend in because all the girls are wearing the same thing, you wont because Nike shorts are now neon and it’s all the rage! 


Greek Life?

Now that I am at Baylor, should I go Greek? This is the question most girls ask themselves, especially since they will be finding out that many of the friends they have made will want to be in a sorority. I am here to say, it is not for everyone, but if it is something you are considering then definitely go for it! 

In case you still can’t decide, let me give you the pros and cons of joining the Greek system. First off, Baylor is a pretty big campus, 13,000 students. Joining a sorority give girls a close group of friends that they know they can always rely on. If you are an out of state student it’s especially helpfully because you are meeting girls that you can go home with on the weekends or other girls from your state. It’s just one more way to feel connected.

Greek life is responsible for many of the events and activities on campus. The Greeks have their own formals, crushes, mixers and philanthropies. It is a way to serve the school, the community, and yourself. You’ll also have fun, and meet cute and “together” fraternity boys. 

There are some other things that you must consider though. Being in a sorority is a huge time commitment, so if your major takes a lot of your time or your grades are struggling, then Greek life may not be for you. If you don’t want to be around that many girls all the time and sisterly bonding is not really your thing, then maybe a more “Spartan” life would be better for you.
Being in a sorority does not end with college however. These friendships can last a lifetime, and take place all around the world. A sorority is a great way to connect to people, and even to network in your future career.
Baylor may not have houses and hazing, but the Greek life is still very strong and highly recommended, if you enjoy serving and socializing. If you want to develop strong bonds with other girls, would enjoy the opportunity to do works of mercy with them, and network with girls who will be friends throughout your life, then the Greek life is for you.


The Dorm Life

Oh, dorm life! Every freshman goes through it, and if you’re lucky, then maybe the pleasure will linger through your sophomore year  as well. Going from your lovely room at home to a dormitory with hundreds of other girls may not seem too appealing at first, but one must remember that it is where all your future friends are living and where all your greatest memories will be made.
Baylor University has a variety of different dorms, especially for girls. And even though it may not seem like it matters which dorm you will be living in, because they are all giant brick buildings with small rooms and gross bathrooms, I promise you they are not all the same. Each experience is different.
Dorms like Memorial and Dawson are honors dorms. If you are in any honors programs at Baylor you will most likely be encouraged to live in Memorial so that you can participate in honors-related activities together. Dawson is more of an AFROTC dorm or leadership dorm. They are located by Alexander and Allen, the boys honors and ROTC dorms. The Memorial dinning hall is also conveniently right there. 
There is however a catch. Dorms like these require a two-year contract, meaning that unless you have a really good excuse, you will be living in that dorm or at least on campus for two years. These dorms are known to be quiet, more studious, and I personally rarely see anyone coming out of them. Many times people say Dawson who? It may not be the most happening place, but if you take the honors track or are in ROTC it is probably the best way to go.
Then there are the girls dorms, North Russell and South Russell. These dorms are usually referred to as “NORO” and “SORO” for short. They may be the same building, but they were built at completely different times, so they are not connected, meaning they are two different dorms. North Russell is the dorm known as “you’re cute and funny, but you didn’t get into Collins,” so North Russell was your second choice, I understand. This dorm is not as social and loud as Collins and may not have its own dining hall, but the girls are sweet and you are right next to the library. Now South Russell is a little bit different. I have met very few people who’ve lived there. It’s definitely not anyone’s first choice, it is usually third but it is right next to Noro, so it gets the job done. 
Now Collins is usually where every girl wants to be. A lot of girls have had mothers and grandmothers that have lived in Collins. It has its own dining hall right down the stairs and the Panhellenic building is right across the street. It is known to have many of the girls that will go on to be in sororities. The girls are fun and social, and everyone knows everyone. People will just leave their doors open or run down the hall to see all their new friends. There is however, the sixth floor of Collins that has an earlier curfew than the rest, but, other than that, it is known as “the place to be.”
Brooks College also has a two-year contract, so beware! Many of your friends will want to live off campus with you next year, but you can’t if you are still in a dorm. Brooks has a special application process, and is known for being a community. It is very religiously based, so it is really a big Christian community. They have Sunday night dinners and their own special events such as May Ball and Brooks extravaganza.
People say that the dining hall looks like something out of Hogwarts, and that people in Brooks hang out a lot with each other exclusively. The misconception, though, is that Brooks College is associated with Brooks Flats, but I’m here to tell you it is not. Brooks Flats and North Village are set up apartment style. North Village houses most of the engineers and athletes, while Brooks Flats has upper classmen and foreign exchange students.
So, in the end, from the boys perspective at least, the girls they want to study with are in Memorial, the girls they want to marry are in Russell, the girls they want to date are in Collins, and they girls they want to go to church with are in Brooks, so take your pick!