Thursday, March 24, 2011

Want to Get Rid of That Freshman 15? Or Even Sophomore Slump?

Summer is just around the corner, and all the girls know what that means... bikini bodies! With the weather being this nice lately, it only makes us want summer to come faster. Unfortunately for some of us, we need some more time. I don't know about you, but I not only gained the freshman 15, but also have the sophomore slump! If I want to look rockin' this summer and get that ring by spring, I am going to need to make some changes, and fast. So if your looking to loose a little here and there Baylor girls, let me tell you how.

As college students we are always stressed out and up late studying, it's just what we do. I understand this problem is quite unavoidable, but late night snacking isn't. To avoid any more weight gain, one must kick the midnight munchies. By eating at night, you are only adding to your total calorie intake for the day. During the day people eat and they are awake and active, burning some of it off. At night, the food will just sit in your stomach as you sleep. The best thing to do is to eat more during the day so you wont be hungry at night. If you must eat at night though, just eat healthier foods, not junk. Don't be the nightime nibbler, because it only leads to regret later.

It is not always when you eat however, but also what you eat. The saying, "you are what you eat" may seem a little ridiculous at times, but it's true. Of course it is hard to eat healthy with dinning halls, meal plans, fast food, and the budget of a college student. My first word of advice is to just stay away from Penland. They may have cute boys, but not the best food options. My second word of advice is to just make sure that your eating healthy foods. It is always better to go with natural foods, not processed and to stick to the portions of the food pyramid. It is very bad to skip meals, and keeping a consistent diet can only help. It is suggested that a person eats five meals a day, three main and two snacks, and breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Even if you have that 8:00 a.m. class, you must eat breakfast. Your body will thank you for it.

The most important factor for weight loss is exercise. It is almost impossible to stay healthy without exercise. Whether it is the conscious choice of taking the stairs, or running the bear trail, it must be done. Sure we all have that one friend who can eat whatever he/she wants and still stay skinny. The fact of the matter is, your not that friend. You need to exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes at the minimum. By doing this you are not only loosing weight, but you will have more energy throughout the day and feel better too. Baylor has such a huge campus, and everyone makes the walk from to the Baylor Science Building sometime. It is all just a matter of actually going out there and doing it.

With the right foods and exercise you will be on your way to your summer bod in no time. Say goodbye to the freshman 15, or in my case the sophomore slump, and hello to feeling great. As college students we eat in cafeterias, fast food, are stressed and never get enough sleep. We cope by eating junk food or even use it to be social. The truth is, your not going to be burning anymore calories by siting in front of the television with your roommate while eating chips and candy. Even if it just means dancing in your room, walking the bear trail, or having a salad once in a while, it will be worth it!


  1. haha man you couldn't be more correct about penland. I'm glad I worked out freshman year or I would've gained so much weight! great post.

  2. Great post, Jenny! Guess it really is time to get on loosing that freshman 15 all caught up so fast! Thanks for the tips :)
