Tuesday, March 15, 2011

There's an App for That!

When I applied to colleges my Junior and Senior year, I logged onto my computer, pulled up the website for that school, searched for the application and started a long grueling process. Page after page, blank after blank, question after question, and essay after essay. It started to become a bit monotonous and very overwhelming. Those Saturday afternoons that I dedicated to college applications, they were not fun at all, and the anxiety of waiting for that response letter, was even worse.

Of course these days, technology is increasing by the minute. Facebook has recently launched a new app called Admission Splash. The idea is to make the application process easier and less stressful for students. When a prospective college students uses this app, they are able to see what their chances are for getting into any school. The app will ask for the student's basic information, from there it will ask for test scores, addresses, and whether they volunteered or played any sports in high school. After this, the app will then give the student a rating that ranges from "very poor" to "very good" of getting into that school. 

Of course however, getting into a college is not always based on academics. So although the application may be able to give one an estimate on their chances, it can only tell part of the story. Essays are always a huge part of the college application process, and colleges weigh them pretty heavily. This app is not based on the essay, so one should still apply even if the results say differently. 

With there being over 2,000 colleges these days, apps like these can be very helpful. The first step in applying to college is picking which colleges to apply to. So with the Admission Splash application, one can start to narrow down that search by seeing what schools are possible for you!

1 comment:

  1. This is super cool, Sparknotes has a quiz to see what colleges work best with personality and ideals for college life!
